About Me

After painting with watercolors for years, I have recently embarked on a fluid art journey. I create vibrant acrylic fluid art paintings that express emotion and creativity through color and movement. My process involves experimentation with colors, techniques, and mediums to achieve unique results. Though formally educated in the STEM fields, I have dedicated countless hours to self-guided study in art, taking classes from renowned artists and diving deep into the technical aspects of various paints and methods. Ultimately, I unleash my creativity and paint, paint, paint.

In my galaxy themed paintings, I blend the boundless creativity of fluid art with a light touch of airbrush. With a fascination for the unknown, I enjoy translating my imaginative visions into acrylic works that transport viewers on a celestial journey.

Group exhibitions

2025 Artist's Choice, Fusion Art, LLC, Santa Fe, New Mexico; (online)

2025 Galaxy, Part Crowd Art Gallery, Toronto, Canada; (online)


2025 Floral and Botanical 5, Gallery 4 Percent, San Francisco, California.

  • Distinction Award for Marbleized Flower, and Floral Arrangement

  • Laurel Award for Alien Plant